In case you haven't seen, the preliminary ruleset for Don't Park on the Grass 2018 has been released. Here's a snapshot:

Have questions about parts of it? We've got answers.
1. Who made the DPG stage list?
It was cobbled together by Aveean, Gyromight, and myself based on other public stage lists, community feedback (more on this in a bit), and tournament logistics.
2. Why are all hazards off?
In short, we wanted to play things cautiously for Ultimate's first major showing. We'll only have a week with the game beforehand, registration has already exceeded expectations, we're bound to have plenty of relatively green newcomers, and we'll potentially have more eyes on our region than ever before. Given all of that, our goal was minimizing potential complications to ensure things run as smoothly as possible. Toggling stage hazards mid-set does the opposite.
3. Is this list absolutely final?
Nope! If buggy Lylat ledges aren't patched out Day 1 of release, I'll be the first to advocate for its removal. The list is subject to change as more information comes out.
4. Castle Siege has a slant :/
oh :/
5. Will the rest of Washington use this stage list? It's sad to see [FAVORITE STAGE] not being given a chance. Also, what was up with that survey you guys ran a week or so ago?
The rest of Western Washington will *not* be expected to use this stage list. The first Ultimate Orbitar will follow DPG's rules only because I don't want to confuse people the day before DPG--beyond that, though, we're doing our own thing. And that thing starts with a hybrid stage list! The hazard + hazardless approach was the most popular choice in the poll we ran, and I intend to honor that result once the DPG dust settles. It might go through some revisions over time, but I bet we can make something work. Other locals will be encouraged to experiment as well--the more data, the merrier.
One last thing: remember that all Omega and Battlefield forms are legal under the existing DPG ruleset. If you want a change of scenery (or music!!!), we have more options than ever before.
Feel free to hit any of us up with suggestions for the future--we're all game to try stuff out and find the best fit for our region. We're just playing it safe on the big stage first.
If you haven't already registered for the event, make sure you do so here. It's sure to be an unforgettable induction into the Ultimate scene!